Roxana Triboi (Foodscapes)

PhD architect and urban planner, specialized on sustainable food planning, food policy, nature-based solution, urban agriculture, participatory planning and transdisciplinary action research and teaching.

Roxana Triboi is a PhD architect and urban planner, specialized on sustainable food planning, food policy, nature-based solution, urban agriculture, participatory planning and transdisciplinary action research and teaching. Currently, beside coordinating the AESOP4food ERASMUS+ program for LE:NOTRE Institute, she is also the food thematic evaluator of the European Urban Agenda for EUI. Her professional experience revolves around the urban-productive-nature paradigm and includes, among others, involvement in diverse European projects on NBS, social inclusion, participatory planning and climate change, consultancy for different Territorial Food Strategies and managing a community garden. Amongst other things she held and contributed to a series of conferences and seminars on food planning and urban pastoralism like the international conference “Food Urbanism” in Tartu (2018), Decolonizing food systems and food research (2017, ) and AESOP sustainable food planning conferences (2015, 2022)