Jeroen de Vries (director)

A dedicated landscape architect and landscape ecologist who combines vision and innovation with management and sustainable development.

Jeroen de Vries (1953) is a dedicated landscape architect and landscape ecologist who combines vision and innovation with management and sustainable development. In projects acting as the driving force: structuring, organizing discussion, guiding decision making, supporting his colleagues, and editing and implementing the outcomes. Graduated as a landscape architect of Wageningen University with a specialization in landscape design and landscape ecology. He was the head of the Garden and Landscape Architecture programme of Van Hall Larenstein. Currently he is a partner of the consultancy office on public spaces (DG Groep). Besides his work as the Director Researcher of the LE:NOTRE Institute he is an independent landscape architecture researcher on Design for Biodiversity, Landscape Democracy and Sustainable food planning. Within the framework of the InnoLAND Erasmus plus project he contributed to the collaborative process of defining a common training framework for landscape architecture.