LLF antalya title page
LLF antalya title page

Antalya’s Landscape, LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum 2012


Antalya’s Landscape is the tangible outcome of the first LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum, which was held over four days in April 2012 and hosted by the Department of Landscape Architecture at Akdeniz University The Forum was the result of an attempt to develop a new kind of academic meeting – one which differed fundamentally in form and approach from the familiar model of the traditional academic conference – and so before introducing this publication in more detail, it is perhaps important briefly to outline the nature, origins and ideas behind the Forum which gave rise to this volume. This presentation of Antalya’s urban and regional landscapes and open spaces can perhaps be regarded as the first part of another dialogue – that between the Forum’s hosts and its participants from other cities and countries If this is the case, then the participants’ response can be said to take the form of the following chapters, one relating to each of the Forum’s four themes Each of these was prepared by a team representing the respective groups who took part in the Forum Every participant was expected to choose one of these four groups to participate in, and to take part in the relevant excursion and the following workshops, as well as contribute to the preparation of the associated chapter of this publication The four themes were: 1 Rural change: landscapes and lifestyles 2 Heritage and identities 3 Sustainable tourism 4 Urban growth and peri-urban sprawl. You can download the report here.

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